Movies List


(Click here to go straight to the applet.)

I keep an updated list of all the movies I've ever seen. My friend Erik has pointed out that what I'm really doing is collecting viewed films. Basic information is included about each movie (note that I only credit writers and directors if I've seen more than one film by them, and I only credit a star if that star is the reason to see the film--although I've now begun the long process of changing this policy and adding a lot more stars to my list), as well as a rating, and a review, if I've written one.

Notes on Searching the List

To search the list (or really, to filter it) simply type the key phrase you're looking for into one of the fields and press Enter. Searches look for any occurrence of any and all words that you type in (put quotes around a phrase to search for an occurrence of that entire phrase, rather than those individual words). Make sure that when you press Enter, the keyboard focus is on the item that you want to filter by. Also remember that you can only filter by one field at a time (the only exception to this is the "Only search for films with reviews" checkbox; this will always be included as an extra filter element when you press Enter in a field). If you want to search for only movies that have reviews, without filtering by any other field, simply click the checkbox and press Enter.

In the Year and Rating fields, you can type a list of different key items separated by commas, and/or include a range of items by inserting a dash between the beginning and ending items. For instance, if you typed "1912, 1980, 1999-2001, 2003" into the Year field and pressed Enter, you'd get a list of all the movies I've seen in those years.


NEW as of 12-30-2004:

First of all, the applet now has many more links to movie reviews than it once did, as I've decided to count blog posts in my Journal as movie reviews, too. Reviews in blog posts tend to be shorter and far more informal than my separate, formal reviews, but they serve the same purpose. Enjoy.

Btw, you may have noticed that this is the first news posted to this page in a long time. That's because I decided to stop mentioning every time I updated the movies list. It was getting a little ridiculous. So you'll just have to keep an eye on the list, or my blog, to keep track of what I've been watching lately.

NEW as of 07-02-2004:

I should have mentioned, I made a long overdue update to the movies list yesterday. Lots more movies that I've seen recently have been added (including Shrek 2, the latest Harry Potter movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, and various Netflix rentals), as well as the two movies that I reviewed for my latest film festival diary entry. Enjoy!

NEW as of 06-08-2004:

I fixed some of the links to the reviews; the urls were missing some information and weren't opening the pages up correctly. I've also added some more movies to the list.

Old News

And now, without further ado...

Movies Applet

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